Both the defective product and the mea culpa were signs that apple is indeed changing in a post-jobs world. 不论瑕疵产品,还是道歉认错,都表明后乔布斯时代的苹果正在悄然发生改变。
Do you prefer to complain about a defective product or a poor service in person or in writing? 题目不太明白,是说你更看重产品还是服务吗?
Where the seller can identify neither the producer of the defective product nor the supplier thereof, the seller shall be liable for compensation. 销售者不能指明缺陷产品的生产者也不能指明缺陷产品的供货者的,销售者应当承担赔偿责任。
A hidden peril of quality will be as far as possible removed or no defective product will be obtained through these design techniques in a design process. 这一方法的实施可使产品在设计中尽可能消除质量隐患或获得无缺陷产品,因而对于面向市场竞争的新产品开发与设计具有推广应用价值。
The next time you buy a defective product, are underappreciated at work or experience poor service, speak up! 下次当你买到不良品、在工作上不被重视、或遇到服务不佳时,说出来!
Why did HP make this defective product? 为什么HP生产出这个有缺陷的产品?
Build a Quality-tracing System to Recall the Defective Product 建立质量追溯体系实施缺陷产品召回
For instance, if you have a defective product, do you want it repaired or replaced, or do you want your money back? 例如,拿到暇疵品时,你是要修理、更换或退钱呢?
Putting forward the proposal to perfect the defective product recall system is not only the core of this thesis, but also its innovation. 提出完善我国缺陷产品召回法律制度的对策是本文的核心,也是创新之处。
Another theory or basis of liability for injury by a defective product is referred to as "strict liability in tort". 另一种缺陷产品致害责任的基础理论称为严格侵权责任理论。
In China, it's urgent to building the recall system of defective product. 建立我国的缺陷产品召回制度已是当务之急。我国有关缺陷产品召回制度的法律规范效力层次低下,缺乏应有的权威性;
Products liability is a kind of torts liability, a way of making producers and sellers bear the duty of giving rise to damages because of defective product, which is a result of the developing of torts liability. 产品责任是从侵权法的角度出发寻找到的一个可以要求生产者或销售者对其产品缺陷所导致损害承担责任的途径,是现代侵权法发展的一个成果。
Defective product recall system is an useful means which is an effective method by administrative management. 缺陷产品的召回制度作为政府管理产品质量的一种有效手段,在发达国家已非常完善。
The extended UML activity diagram is used to illustrate the defective product control process which is a typical process of quality management. 文末,利用扩展的活动图表达了质量管理中一个典型的过程&不合格品的控制过程。第三章详细介绍了选课子系统的基于UML的设计蓝图。
But we can easy to find that there is defective product recall system about the material products, not about spiritual food& books in established defect product recall system. Book is a kind of special product, with material and spiritual, content and form. 但在已有的关于各项缺陷产品召回的制度中,我们不难发现,它们都是针对物质性产品的召回规定,并没有关于兼具物质性与精神性的图书的缺陷制定专门的召回制度。
Once again, from the legislative achievements and existing problems of two aspects of the introduction of the defective product recall law system in China the status quo. 再次,从立法成果和存在问题两个方面介绍了我国缺陷产品召回法律制度的现状。
While "Tort Liability Act," clear a defective product recall system, but issues related to the system did not make specific provisions. 我国在《侵权责任法》中明确了缺陷产品召回制度,这标志着我国缺陷产品召回制度法律地位的确立,但立法对该制度的相关问题并没有做具体规定。
Part III: Foreign defective product recall system to inspect reference. 第三部分:对国外缺陷产品召回制度进行考察借鉴。
With regard to the quality of our product liability system, Analysis of the system, mainly from defective product liability and punitive damages Analysis System Analysis. 关于我国产品质量责任形式制度辨析主要从缺陷产品责任制度辨析和惩罚性损害赔偿制度辨析。
However, defective product recall system was still in its infancy and there was many gaps and deficiencies in our country. Therefore, defective product recall system was studied in-depth which has important Practical significance. 但是我国缺陷产品召回制度尚处于起步阶段,存在诸多的不足和缺漏,因此,对缺陷产品召回制度进行深入研究具有重要的现实意义。
The third chapter including home and foreign defective product recall system. 第三部分主要是介绍了国内外的缺陷产品召回制度。
This chapter focuses on the defective product recall legislative model, recalled standard and manner, recall process improvement, drawing into a punitive compensation system, and establishing an effective insurance system. 本章重点阐述了缺陷产品召回立法模式、召回的标准与方式、召回程序的完善、引入惩罚性赔偿制度、建立有效的配套制度等几个方面具体构想。
The content of the legal relationship is the rights and obligations of enterprise, consumers, regulators in the recall process. The main body is producers or importers, consumers and regulators. The object is a defective product. 该法律关系的内容是企业、消费者、监管者在召回过程中的权利义务关系,主体则为生产者或进口商、消费者和监管者,客体就是缺陷产品。
In the field of product liability, with the development of commodity economy and scientific and technological progress, defective product recall system has gradually developed in China. 在产品责任领域,随着商品经济的发展和科学技术的进步,缺陷产品召回制度逐渐在我国发展起来。
It is the core and difficulty of the recall system to define the defective product. 如何界定召回法律关系的客体缺陷产品是整个召回制度的核心和难点。
Through the analysis of defective product recall system of different nation, the references are provided for our nation. 通过分析不同国家的产品召回制度,为完善我国的产品召回制度提供经验借鉴。
Through investigating the products defect, the definition and classification of the Recall, the difference between products recall and three guarantees system, between the products recall and the compulsory withdraw. We have a clear concept of the Defective Product Recall System. 通过探讨产品缺陷和召回定义、产品召回的分类和特征以及产品召回与三包制度,强制收回的区别,更加明确了缺陷产品召回制度的概念。
After the United States have worked out a series of product recalls laws, improve the legal system of the defective product recall. 以后美国陆续制定了一系列有关产品召回的法律,完善了缺陷产品召回的法律体系。
Process quality control can monitor quality fluctuation and its trend, thus quality fluctuation can be reduced and defective product can be prevented. 工序质量控制可以对制造过程中的质量波动及波动趋势进行有效监控,从而起到减少波动及预防不合格品产生的作用。
Part II: On the defective product recall system overview including basic problem, characteristics and legal analysis. 第二部分:关于缺陷产品召回制度的综述包括基本问题解析、特征与法理分析。